Chris Schwalm
Co-Founder Schnuff & Co.

Christian Emigholz
Digital Transformer & Company Builder EMIGHOLZ GmbH & Blackboat
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Jan Luca Sielski
Co-Founder MySwooop

Jan Juling
Founder Laverto UG
The StartUp Academy asks around 24 CEOs or founders of a successful startup per semester to join our mentor team. The StartUp Academy selects the mentors based on their expertise on a topic in the curriculum. Their task is to activly lead the weekly sessions and guide entrepreneurs in the curriculum by sharing their experience, outlining the latest strategies and providing crucial feedback. The mentors are open for questions at the curriculum and through email.
Our Shared Bonus Pool provides the strong incentive for mentors to actively help our startups going through the entire Curriculum. Many help our companies after graduation, and have become formal advisors to our graduates.
Mentor a Session
As a Mentor, you are asked to lead at least one session per Semester, and you are welcome to mentor in multiple Semesters and locations. Each session requires approximately 6 hours of time in total, between preparing the lesson, leading a 30 minute discussion and participating in a three hour session.
There are currently no travel stipends and no reimbursements available.
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Click here to see my LinkedIn profile.

Christine Breeze
COO & Co-Founder Breezenergy LLC

Jan Michael Witter
Partner Kessler & Partner Rechtsanwälte,Steuerberater, Wirtschaftsprüfer

Mayank Golpelwar
PhD HR Management Adjunct Faculty (HRM) at University of Bayreuth &Bremen
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Click here to see my LinkedIn profile.

Luis Fernando Robledano Esteban
Founder, CEO TourSnapp, Zintro Inc.,Edusys Pvt. Ltd.
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Philip Ehlers
CEO & Co Founder EVRGREEN GmbH
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